Bell recó

Bell recó



Of all the preparations previous to the big day, the place where you choose to celebrate your wedding is, without any doubt, an essential part of what’s going to happen on  that special date, it’s more than just  a place, it’s an essential part of you and your personal story, your feelings and your vision. Barely thirty minutes separate Barcelona from one of the most exclusive and elegant places that you can find. The magnificent Bell recó estate, located in Argentona, it’s a spot where time stops, classicism and excess of modernity don’t have a place there, it’s simply beauty  in both edification and exteriors.

It’s offers multiple possibilities, but the one that guarantees you a unique wedding, where the word luxury becomes naturally mixed with the environment, without pretensions, because it’s not necessary, this place speaks for itself.


You are looking for a place, you want to celebrate your wedding in Barcelona, an elegant but still contemporary wedding, you are preparing your Destination Wedding, and asked us to reflect that elegance on your wedding pictures. This place, this magnificent spot we are talking about, it’s perfect for you, Bell recó assures us those natural and elegant pictures that you are looking for, because that is the place’s spirit. More than half of the couples that got married in Bell recó were travelling couples, just like you, from all around the world they came to celebrate their destination wedding in the most special and personal way possible.

We, as wedding photographers in Barcelona know lots of places, multiple enclaves, and each of them have its own characteristics that make it unique, this yours if you are looking for exclusivity and details. When entering the immense Bell recó estate you will immediately fall in love with the gardens, extremely taken care, full of green, trees, ponds, space and light, blue light from the Barcelona sky that sneaks in between the leaves creating incredible frames for unique photos.


If you are planning for a civil ceremony outdoors you won’t have to keep looking. But the walk continues and the view climbs fascinated to the front to be surprised by a building with a peaceful and harmonious architecture,  a fabulous house with a serene facade that precedes interiors full of art and details.  Inside, the space offers the opportunity to celebrate Religious Ceremonies of maximum beauty and emotion. Whichever option you decide for your Destination Wedding, the Wedding Ceremony in Barcelona will be perfect, as will your Wedding pictures; because in such spaces, we as Wedding Photographers, can move with absolute comfort and get what we promised, with maximum respect for the event, without modifying it, narrate the day of your Wedding in photos, document every moment, every emotion.

You can make the preparation for your Wedding or you can decide that you need help from a good Wedding Planner. Whatever your preferred option, at Bell recó they will do everything possible to make things easier for you. With that same philosophy they allow you to choose the Catering service, so you can pamper your Guests, friends and family, with all the luxury that pervades your Destination Wedding. There are many catering companies that have worked in Bell recó, standing out for the exclusivity of their services Jubany, Esther Conde and Merces.


We understand that everything is important on your wedding day in Barcelona, from the Dress, the dishes in tables, the emotions of the Guests, your Wedding Photographs, the smile of your partner, the floral ornaments, your bouquet and your illusion, everything, for that reason to guess right with the place, the space in which all the laughter will take place and the party is primordial. In Bellrecó the spot does not matter, no matter where we place ourselves the elegant photographs are guaranteed, simply because that elegance pervades the entire space and seems to become contagious being there, everything is tinged with a noble air that you can relish as you breathe.

Magnificent spaces for the Civil or Religious Ceremony, the shelter of a superb House in which to entertain your Guests with the best viands of the earth, the only thing left is the party. Because elegance and luxury are not incompatible with fun. And that fun can start anytime and anywhere. As Wedding Photographers in Bell recó we treasure true jewels, incredible pictures born from the most absolute spontaneity, a perfect moment in a perfect place captured. The parties in Bell recó are the kind of events that you do not want to leave, because they acquire the perfect touch of joy and refinement.

You want to stay until the end. And the end in Bell recó is worth seeing, the blue of its sky is covered with stars that seem to be part of the decoration, the music sounds while the glasses are refilled. You know that the Destination Wedding in which you have put so much desire, work and enthusiasm has been an absolute success. Excitement, joy, good food, good company and the love of your life already on your finger forever. It could not be better. You will come back to your Wedding Report again and again, you will revise each one of your Wedding Photographs to get back to what you experienced that incredible day in that incredible place, which is Bell recó.